EducationFaculty List
Full time professors in the College of Information Science
- Chair / Professor
Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics, Computational Origami
- Professor
Database, Data engineering, Social media mining, Database applications in scientific domains.
- Professor
Systems safety : mutual trust and cooperation in human-machine systems, cognition, inference, and decision making under uncertainty or gray zone, perception and acceptance of risk.
- Professor
Intelligent robots and sensing : Mobile robots working in human’s daily life environment, real world sensory information processing, networked robotics, cooperative multiple mobile robots.
- Professor
Information security : blockchain and cryptoasset security, advanced cyber-attack countermeasures, IoT security, applied cryptography, privacy-preserving data analysis
- Professor
Functional Programming, Software Verification.
- Professor
- Professor
Numerical analysis : Numerical algorithms and their applications, validated compurations, mathematical software.
- Professor
Metrology, Quantum Inforamtion Science, Physics and Information, Theoretical Physics
- Professor
High-performance computing : High-performance numerical algorithms on parallel computers and performance evaluation.
- Professor
Quantum Information Science, Quantum Complexity Theory, Quantum Algorithm.
- Professor
Intelligent image processing : medical image recognition, computer-aided diagnosis, assistive technology for persons with disabilities, 3-D computer vision.
- Professor
Parallel and Distributed System Software, Data-Intensive Computing, High Performance Computing.
- Professor
High Performance Computing, Performance Optimization, GPU Computing
- Professor
Pattern recognition and computer vision : Face recognition, 3D object recognition, human sensing, robot vision.
- Professor
Massively parallel and high performance computing systems : Massively parallel processing system architecture, cluster computing and its system software, performance evaluation in high performance computing.
- Professor
direct hardware implementation for parallel computing, reconfigurable computing, bioinformatics.
- Professor
Speech and acoustic information processing.
- Associate Professor
Experimental and theoretical studies of animal behavior.
- Associate Professor
Black-Box Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Reinforcement Learning
- Associate Professor
System Software, Distributed Systems, Computer Security, Computer Network.
- Associate Professor
Evolutionary Computation, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Life, Artificial Creatures and Environments, Multi Agent Simulation.
- Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
Machine learning, Multivariate analysis, Sparse modeling, Data-driven science, Measurement informatics, Materials informatics
- Associate Professor
Numerical analysis : Numerical algorithms for solving linear systems and eigenvlaue problems.
- Associate Professor
Computer security, system software, operating systems, virtualization
- Associate Professor
computer network, information security, computer system
- Associate Professor
Database systems, Data engineering, Data mining
- Associate Professor
Analog integrated circuit and circuit theory : Highly linearized CMOS transconductors and complex filters.
- Associate Professor
Operating systems, distributed systems, virtual systems, parallel processing, XML Web Services.
- Associate Professor
Cryptographic Techniques, and Security of Information Systems.
- Associate Professor
Applications of logic to computer science : formal methods, information security, distributed systems, multi-agent systems, game theory.
- Associate Professor
Parallel algorithms for large-scale matrix computations, High-performance graph algorithms, Dimensionality reduction, Distributed parallel numerical software
- Associate Professor
Cognitive interface : human interface designs for human-machine collaboration, mental models in dynamic environment.
- Associate Professor
Naoto Hoshikawa
Network System, Service Computing, Security Infrastructure, DX
- Associate Professor
Software reliability, dependability evaluation, stochastic models, system design optimization.
- Associate Professor
High performance stream-based computing environment.
- Associate Professor
Feature selection for high dimensional data, Clustering, Machine learning, Data analysis, Classification, Network computing.
- Lecturer
Making better use of significantly progressing microprocessors for parallel computer architecture after Age of vector supercomputers and massively parallel computers.
- Lecturer
Program theory and musical informatics : Logical foundation of verification and analysis of realtime intellectual program systems and musical information.
- Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
VLSI Engineering, Reconfigurable computing, Accelerator for hard computation problems using reconfigurable LSI.
- Assistant Professor
Human Interface, Interaction: Human Factors, Human-Machine Trust and Cooperation, User’s Characteristics
- Assistant Professor
Human-machine system, cognitive systems science, systems safety and control
- Assistant Professor
Low-Power Processor Architecture, Low-Power VLSI Design
- Assistant Professor
Information Security: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Cryptographic Protocol
- Assistant Professor
Numerical analysis : Numerical algorithms for large scale linear systems. Parallel computing for eigenvalue problems.
- Assistant Professor
Database systems, Data engineering, Data mining, especially Data stream processing・analytics.
- Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
High Performance Computing, Accelerator, GPU Computing, Reconfigurable Computing, High Performance Interconnection
- Assistant Professor
Machine Learning, Privacy, Explainability, AI Ethics
- Assistant Professor
Machine Learning, Deep Neural Network, Biological Signal Processing
- Assistant Professor
Numerical linear algebra, Numerical analysis, Numerical algorithms
- Assistant Professor
Intelligent robot for human-harmonious collaboration, Task and motion planning, Human and environmental sensing, Field robotics
Collaborating professors in the College of Information Science
- Vice President
System software : operating systems, federated autonomous systems, network security, and information retrieval.
- Professor
Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks and Signal Processing
- Professor
Control design : Theory and Applications in Robust control, Receding horizon control, hybrid system, Brain machine interface, etc.
- Professor
Image processing and medical imaging : Morphological and functional imaging for medicine, computer-aided diagnosis, image and video processing, intelligent image sensor.
- Professor
Mathematical optimization.
- Professor
Computational Vision Science.
- Professor
Human-computer interaction : Visual programming and interaction techniques for end users.
- Professor
Chaos, fractals and bifurcation theory. Computer amusement oriented elementary technologies.
- Professor
information visualization, visual interface.
- Professor
Natural Language Processing on the Web using statistial methods : Statistical machine translation and Web documents processing such as sentiment analysis.
- Associate Professor
Natural Language Processing : Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, and Information Extraction from Web data.
- Associate Professor
Web Science, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems.
- Associate Professor
Computer graphics : image editing techniques, computer-assisted creation of illustration and animation, non-photorealistic rendering (NPR)
- Associate Professor
Information communication engineering : Process algebra, network protocols and performance evaluation of communication systems.
- Associate Professor
DongSheng Cai*2
Multimedia using artificial life theory. High performance computing and parallel computing for space simulation. Imaging using chaos and fractals.
- Associate Professor
Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Optimization, Discrete Algorithms
- Associate Professor
Multi-perception media processing: Signal analysis, data compression, perceptual security, computer vision.
- Associate Professor
User interface software. Ubiquitous computing.
- Associate Professor
Network mining, Social network analysis, Computational social science
- Associate Professor
Nonlinear time series analysis (theory and its applications), 3D reconstruction of chromosome structure
- Assistant Professor
Human-computer interaction, Remote communication support, Human-robot interaction
- *1 Main affiliation : College of Media Arts, Science and Technology; Secondary affiliation: College of Information Science.
- *2 Main affiliation : College of International Studies; Secondary affiliation : College of Information Science.